macOS® Driver and SDK for CAN Leaf Interfaces from Kvaser

Download: User-space Driver and SDK for CAN Leaf Interfaces


The Swedish company Kvaser AB supplies advanced CAN solutions to engineers designing and deploying systems for manifold areas of applications. They offer a wide range of CAN hardware and CAN software. A macOS® user-space driver for CAN Leaf Interfaces from Kvaser is provided by UV Software.

macOS® Driver and SDK for CAN Leaf Interfaces from Kvaser

Please note: If you connect your CAN Leaf device to a real CAN network when using this library, you might damage your application.


Driver User-space Driver for CAN Leaf Interfaces from Kvaser
Current Version Version 0.1.1 of July 10, 2021
Documentation Readme file and Doxygen
License BSD 2-Clause „Simplified“ License
or GNU General Public License v3.0
Standard CAN Specification 2.0
Hardware Kvaser Leaf Light v2 (EAN: 73-30130-00685-0)
Kvaser Leaf Pro HS v2 (EAN: 73-30130-00843-4)
Category Industrial Communication, CAN, MacCAN
Operating System macOS Big Sur (11.3, x86_64)
Source Code MacCAN-KvaserCAN repo on GitHub

macOS® Driver and SDK for TouCAN USB Interfaces from Rusoku

Download: User-space Driver and SDK for TouCAN USB Interfaces


Rusoku Technologies is an innovative engineering team based in Lithuania, Europe. They offer CAN adapter at a reasonable price. Drivers and utilities for Windows and Linux are available as open-source. A macOS user-space driver for TouCAN USB interfaces from Rusoku is provided by UV Software.

macOS® Driver for TouCAN USB Interfaces from Rusoku

Please note: If you connect your TouCAN device to a real CAN network when using this library, you might damage your application.


Driver User-space Driver for TouCAN USB Interfaces
Current Version Version 0.2.2 of December 27, 2021
Documentation Readme file and Doxygen
License GNU General Public License v3.0
Standard CAN Specification 2.0
Hardware TouCAN USB (Model F4FS1)
Category Industrial Communication, CAN, MacCAN
Operating System macOS 11.x and 12.x (x86_64 & arm64)
OS X 10.13 and later (x86_64)
Source Code RusokuCAN repo on GitHub

CAN Monitor App for macOS

Download: MacCAN Monitor App


The MacCAN Monitor App is a little demo program to show the functionally of the PCBUSB library – macOS Library for PCAN-USB Interfaces.

The program displays received CAN messages in a table view; its size is limited to 1024 rows. Furthermore it is possible to send single standard CAN messages with 0 to 8 data bytes. Only PCAN-USB devices from PEAK-System Technik GmbH are supported; and only the first channel of a device. The PCAN-USB interface number is taken from the IO registry. USB interface and CAN baud rate must be chosen once the program is started; they cannot be changed afterwards.

CAN Monitor App for OS X

Please note: Do not connect your PCAN USB device to a real CAN network when using this program. This can damage your application.


Program MacCAN Monitor App
Current Version Version 0.4 of December 10, 2021
Documentation Readme file and a screen video
License BSD 2-Clause “Simplified” License
Source Code PCBUSB-Monitor repo on GitHub
Standard CAN Specification 2.0
Driver macOS Library for PCAN-USB Interfaces
Category Industrial Communication, CAN, MacCAN
Operating System OS X 10.9 (x86_64), since version 0.4 macOS 11.0 (x86_64 & arm64)
Older Versions

CAN Monitor goes Mac OS X

Download: CAN Monitor for macOS


This is a port of the CAN Monitor program can_moni from Linux to Mac. It is running with a PCAN-USB device or PCAN-USB FD device on OS X Mountain Lion and hopefully on later versions of the world´s mostest advanced OS.


Usage: can_moni <interface> [<option>...]
  -m, --mode=(2.0|FDF[+BSR])  CAN operation mode: CAN 2.0 or CAN FD format
      --listen-only           monitor mode (transmitter is off)
  -b, --baudrate=<baudrate>   CAN 2.0 bit timing in kbps (default=250)
      --bitrate=<bit-rate>    CAN FD bit rate (as a string)
  -v, --verbose               show detailed bit rate settings
  -t, --time=(ABS|REL|ZERO)   absolute or relative time (default=0)
  -i  --id=(HEX|DEC|OCT)      display mode of CAN-IDs (default=HEX)
  -d, --data=(HEX|DEC|OCT)    display mode of data bytes (default=HEX)
  -a, --ascii=(ON|OFF)        display data bytes in ASCII (default=ON)
  -x, --exclude=[~]<id-list>  exclude CAN-IDs: <id>[-<id>]{,<id>[-<id>]}
  -L, --list-boards           list all supported CAN interfaces and exit
  -T, --test boards           list all available CAN interfaces and exit
  -h, --help                  display this help screen and exit
      --version               show version information and exit
CAN 2.0 baud rate index (default=3):
   0 = 1000 kbps
   1 = 800 kbps
   2 = 500 kbps
   3 = 250 kbps
   4 = 125 kbps
   5 = 100 kbps
   6 = 50 kbps
   7 = 20 kbps
   8 = 10 kbps
CAN FD bit rate as comma-separeted <key>=<value>-list:
   f_clock=<value>      frequency in Hz or
   f_clock_mhz=<value>  frequency in MHz
   nom_brp=<value>      bit-rate prescaler (nominal)
   nom_tseg1=<value>    time segment 1 (nominal)
   nom_tseg2=<value>    time segment 2 (nominal)
   nom_sjw=<value>      sync. jump width (nominal)
   nom_sam=<value>      sampling (only SJA1000)
   data_brp=<value>     bit-rate prescaler (FD data)
   data_tseg1=<value>   time segment 1 (FD data)
   data_tseg2=<value>   time segment 2 (FD data)
   data_sjw=<value>     sync. jump width (FD data)
   125kbps:1000kbps     f_clock_mhz=80,nom_brp=2,nom_tseg1=255,nom_tseg2=64,nom_sjw=64,data_brp=2,data_tseg1=31,data_tseg2=8,data_sjw=8
   250kbps:2000kbps     f_clock_mhz=80,nom_brp=2,nom_tseg1=127,nom_tseg2=32,nom_sjw=32,data_brp=2,data_tseg1=15,data_tseg2=4,data_sjw=4
   500kbps:4000kbps     f_clock_mhz=80,nom_brp=2,nom_tseg1=63,nom_tseg2=16,nom_sjw=16,data_brp=2,data_tseg1=7,data_tseg2=2,data_sjw=2
   1000kbps:8000kbps    f_clock_mhz=80,nom_brp=2,nom_tseg1=31,nom_tseg2=8,nom_sjw=8,data_brp=2,data_tseg1=3,data_tseg2=1,data_sjw=1
   2000kbps:10000kbps   f_clock_mhz=80,nom_brp=1,nom_tseg1=31,nom_tseg2=8,nom_sjw=1,data_brp=2,data_tseg1=2,data_tseg2=1,data_sjw=1


Program can_moni (CAN Monitor for macOS)
Current Version Version 0.5 SR4 Build 1153 of February 5, 2022
Documentation README and program option --help
License UVS Freeware License (without warranty or support)
Standards CAN Specification 2.0 and CAN FD Specification
Driver OS X Library for PCAN-USB Interfaces
Category Industrial Communication, CAN, CAN FD, MacCAN
Operating System OS X 10.8 (x86_64), since version 0.5 SR3 macOS 11.0 (x86_64 & arm64)
Older Versions

CANopen Object Browser for Linux

Download: CANopen Object Browser for Linux


The CANopen Object Browser is a tool to display and browse through a CANopen Object Dictionary based on EDS-files. The program allows an online access to any connected CANopen device. This means to read and to write individual parameter values of a connected device.

The CANopen Object Browser for Linux is a Qt3 GUI application running on Linux systems (Kernel 2.6.x) and uses BerliOS SocketCAN to access the CAN-Bus. Furthermore the program offers a gateway function for interfacing CANopen with TCP/IP.

CANopen Object Browser using SocketCAN on Linux

Please note: Do not connect the program to a real application with a running CANopen network. This can damage your application.


Program CANopen Object Browser (Linux)
Current Version Version 0.2 Build 61 (testing) of November 09, 2009
Documentation Getting started and Online-help (context-sensitive)
License UVS Freeware License (without warranty or support)
Standards CANopen Specifications: CiA DS-301, CiA DS-306, CiA DS-309
Drivers BerliOS SocketCAN, CANopen-over-TCP/IP
Category Industrial Communication, CANopen, CAN, TCP/IP
Operating System Linux 2.6.x
Older Versions

CANopen Commandline Tool for Linux

Download: CANopen Commanline Tool for Linux


The CANopen Commanline Tool is a text-based program to request CANopen services from CANopen devices on the command line by entering commands at the program´s prompt or processing them from a batch file.

The syntax for these commands is taken from the CANopen specification CiA DS-309/3 (Interfacing CANopen with TCP/IP – ASCII Mapping). The program is build on the UVS CANopen Master library, which exists for several microcontrollers and even for some CAN interface boards from different vendors and for different operating systems. Here the CANopen Commandline Tool uses the BerliOS SocketCAN on Linux operating systems. It runs well with a PEAK PCAN-USB-Dongle on Debian Etch and on a MPC5200B evaluation board with an Embedded Linux. Furthermore the program offers a gateway function for interfacing CANopen with TCP/IP.

The program allows reading and writing of individual parameter values of any connected CANopen device. Due to the fact, that the UVS CANopen Master library is not a complete CANopen stack, some limitations must be taken into account. But the missing CANopen services can be build up manually from the CAN layer 2 commands of the program.


Usage: can_open <interface> [<option>...]
 -g, --gateway=<port>  operate in gateway mode on <port>
 -i, --id=<node-id>    node-id of CANopen Master (default=-1)
     --net=<network>   set default network number (default=1)
     --node=<node-id>  set default node-id (default=1)
     --echo            echo input stream to output stream
     --prompt          prefix input stream with a prompt
     --syntax          show input syntax and exit
 -h, --help            display this help and exit
     --version         show version information and exit
 1. Local mode:     can_open <socket-can> --prompt
 2.1 Gateway mode:  can_open <socket-can> --gateway <port> --echo
 2.2 Remote mode:   can_open <ip-addr>:<port> --prompt
In local mode and in remote mode press ^D to leave the interactive input.
In gateway mode press ^C to close the port and exiting the program.


Program CANopen Commanline Tool (Linux)
Current Version Version 0.2.34 of February 25, 2009
Documentation README, Syntaxbeschreibung and program options --help and --syntax
License UVS Freeware License (without warranty or support)
Standards CANopen Specifications: CiA DS-301, CiA DS-309. IEEE 802.3, RFC 2045
Drivers BerliOS SocketCAN, PEAK Linux driver
Category Industrial Communication, CANopen, SocketCAN, TCP/IP
Operating System Linux (2.6.x)
Older Versions

CANopen-over-TCP/IP Client

Download: CANopen-over-TCP/IP Client for Windows


This little program is for accessing a CANopen-over-TCP/IP gateway (e.g. the UVS CANopen Commandline Tool in gateway mode) from a Windows console.

With this text-based program you can access any CANopen device connected to a CANopen-over-TCP/IP gateway over ethernet by entering commands for CANopen services at the program´s prompt or processing them from a batch file. The syntax is taken from the CANopen specification CiA DS-309/3 (Interfacing CANopen with TCP/IP – ASCII Mapping) and is described here.


copnet <address>:<port> [/PROMPT | /P] [/ECHO | /E]
copnet (/HELP  | /?)
copnet (/ABOUT | /µ)
 /P, /PROMPT  prefix input stream with a prompt
 /E, /ECHO    echo input stream to output stream
 /?, /HELP    display this help and exit
 /µ, /ABOUT   show version information and exit


Program CANopen-over-TCP/IP Client (Windows)
Current Version Version 0.1.1 of January 26, 2009
Documentation README, Syntaxbeschreibung and program option /HELP
License UVS Freeware License (without warranty or support)
Standards IEEE 802.3, RFC 2045
Driver Winsock
Category Industrial Communication, CANopen, TCP/IP
Operating System Windows 2K/XP

CAN Monitor using SocketCAN

Download: CAN Monitor for Linux


Yes, this is another CAN monitor program using SocketCAN on Linux OS. The BerliOS CAN utilities already offer the great candump program, but I hate this messing around with binary masks for identifier filtering. So I wrote this little program to have an exclude list for single identifiers or identifier ranges (see program option --exclude or just -x). Precede the list with a ~ and you get an include list.


Usage: can_moni <interface> [<options>]
 -t, --time=(abs|rel|zero)   absolute or relative time
 -i, --id=(hex|dec|oct)      display mode of CAN-IDs
 -d, --data=(hex|dec|oct)    display mode of data bytes
 -a, --ascii=(on|off)        display data bytes as ascii
 -x, --exclude=[~]<id-list>  exclude CAN-IDs: <id>[-<id>]{,<id>[-<id>]}
 -h, --help                  display this help and exit
     --version               output version information and exit


Program can_moni (CAN Monitor for Linux)
Current Version Version 0.1.17 of August 20, 2007
Documentation README and program option --help
License GNU General Public License (GPL V2)
Standard CAN Spezifikation 2.0
Driver BerliOS SocketCAN
Category Industrial Communication, CAN, SocketCAN
Operating System Linux (2.6.x)
Older Versions

CANopen Object Browser for Windows

Download: CANopen Object Browser for generic CAN Interfaces


The CANopen Object Browser is a tool to display and browse through a CANopen Object Dictionary based on EDS-Files. The program allows an online access to any connected CANopen device. This means to read and to write individual parameter values of a connected device.

The Object Dictionary window displays the CANopen object dictionary of a CANopen device taken either from an EDS-File or from a XML-File. On the left side of the window all objects are listed in a tree view order by categories. To navigate through the object tree use either the cursor-up/-down keys or click with the mouse on an item. On the right side all attributes and attribute values of the highlighted object are shown.

Parameter values can be entered in hexadecimal, decimal or octal form according to ANSI-C syntax. The value range of the data type will be checked by the program. But the value range of the parameter will be check by the device. Data access is only possible if a device is connected to the CAN-Interface board.

CANopen Object Browser for generic CAN Interfaces

Please note: Do not connect the program to a real application with a running CANopen network. This can damage your application.

Supported Interface

Currently the following CAN devices are supported (COPbrowser v0.5):

  • IXXAT Automation: all CAN devices with VCI driver (VCI V2; tested with iPC-I320/PCI and USB-to-CAN compact)
  • PEAK-System Technik: all CAN devices with PCAN driver (PCAN-Basic V1.0 + PCAN-Light V1.55; tested with PCAN-USB)
  • Vector Informatik: all CAN devices with VXL driver (VXL library V3.0; tested with CANcaseXL, USB)
  • M+K GmbH: RS-CAN-Wandler with ASPopen Interface (SW.M16C.MEW.C1R1.CANopen.ASP.2005.06)
  • UV Software: CANopen-over-TCP/IP (CANopen Gateway using BerliOS SocketCAN)


Program CANopen Object Browser for generic CAN Interfaces
Current Version Version of November 11, 2010
Documentation Getting started and Online-help (context-sensitive)
License UVS Freeware License (without warranty or support)
Standards CANopen Specifications: CiA DS-301, CiA DS-305, CiA DS-306, CiA DS-309
Drivers IXXAT VCI V2, PEAK PCAN-Basic + PCAN-Light, Vector XL Driver, ASPopen (RS-232/CAN-Wandler), Winsock (CANopen-over-TCP/IP)
Category Industrial Communication, CANopen, CAN, TCP/IP, RS-232
Operating System Windows 2K/XP, but it is also running on Windows 10
Older Versions