macOS® Driver and SDK for CAN Leaf Interfaces from Kvaser

Download: User-space Driver and SDK for CAN Leaf Interfaces


The Swedish company Kvaser AB supplies advanced CAN solutions to engineers designing and deploying systems for manifold areas of applications. They offer a wide range of CAN hardware and CAN software. A macOS® user-space driver for CAN Leaf Interfaces from Kvaser is provided by UV Software.

macOS® Driver and SDK for CAN Leaf Interfaces from Kvaser

Please note: If you connect your CAN Leaf device to a real CAN network when using this library, you might damage your application.


Driver User-space Driver for CAN Leaf Interfaces from Kvaser
Current Version Version 0.1.1 of July 10, 2021
Documentation Readme file and Doxygen
License BSD 2-Clause „Simplified“ License
or GNU General Public License v3.0
Standard CAN Specification 2.0
Hardware Kvaser Leaf Light v2 (EAN: 73-30130-00685-0)
Kvaser Leaf Pro HS v2 (EAN: 73-30130-00843-4)
Category Industrial Communication, CAN, MacCAN
Operating System macOS Big Sur (11.3, x86_64)
Source Code MacCAN-KvaserCAN repo on GitHub

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