CAN Monitor using SocketCAN

Download: CAN Monitor for Linux


Yes, this is another CAN monitor program using SocketCAN on Linux OS. The BerliOS CAN utilities already offer the great candump program, but I hate this messing around with binary masks for identifier filtering. So I wrote this little program to have an exclude list for single identifiers or identifier ranges (see program option --exclude or just -x). Precede the list with a ~ and you get an include list.


Usage: can_moni <interface> [<options>]
 -t, --time=(abs|rel|zero)   absolute or relative time
 -i, --id=(hex|dec|oct)      display mode of CAN-IDs
 -d, --data=(hex|dec|oct)    display mode of data bytes
 -a, --ascii=(on|off)        display data bytes as ascii
 -x, --exclude=[~]<id-list>  exclude CAN-IDs: <id>[-<id>]{,<id>[-<id>]}
 -h, --help                  display this help and exit
     --version               output version information and exit


Program can_moni (CAN Monitor for Linux)
Current Version Version 0.1.17 of August 20, 2007
Documentation README and program option --help
License GNU General Public License (GPL V2)
Standard CAN Spezifikation 2.0
Driver BerliOS SocketCAN
Category Industrial Communication, CAN, SocketCAN
Operating System Linux (2.6.x)
Older Versions

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